Monday, 7 November 2011

Daughter Commentary

My daughter, Hannah says the most incredible things.

She calls me awesome names, too. When she was 2, she'd call me Daddy-Laddy. I could understand this, because it rhymes. But there are some other interesting ones she's come up with since then.

My favourite is Mister Lance. So authoritative. From now on, that's how I'll introduce myself.

I also have my own nicknames for her. Very seldom is it just Hannah. I also call her Bean. Because, well, in the words of a very dear friend "She's a little human bean". So it's Bean, Hannah-Bean or Babyshoes. To which she often responds "But I'm not a baby anymore." She's 4, and I assume will always be my baby.

I usually post her crazy ramblings on Twitter under the hashtag #DaughterCommentary

Here's some of the other stuff she says:

"Dad you forgot to tighten my button loose when you put my shorts on this morning. I always tighten it loose when I wee"

Pouring a scotch while I'm braaiing, I say "Hannah, turn the meat for daddy please?" She replies "but I'm only small"

Daughter in a robotic voice: "I'm. not. Hannah. I'm. a. robot. I. don't. need. body. cream. I. need. oil."

Trying to switch on a DVD, I kept telling her to press the triangle (for PLAY). After a few failed attempts, she looks all forlorn and says "but I'm only small"

Dodding about in the garden, she asks to go to the park. I say "When mommy's done studying, we can go to the park." After a long pause she says "We should get another mommy. Then she can study and we can go to the park."

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